saint germain ascended master

The Ascended Master Saint Germain—Alchemist of the Soul- Ascended Master of Divine Alchemy The soul of Saint Germain has played brilliant roles upon the stage of life for hundreds of thousands of years.   INFORMATION Copyright © 2003-2018 Saint Germain™.All logos, graphics, photos, design and text on this site are the property of Troika Saint Germain.They may NOT be reproduced in any form whatsoever without expressed written permission.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Web Design by Wonderland Design Company. Joseph made his transition before Jesus entered into the fullness of his teaching and healing ministry. My life is dedicated to following the instructions I receive from him. The energy of the 7th ray is the principle energy of this 2,000 year cycle. Saint Germain took the responsibility for the students whether they gave obedience or not. For many years, Hannah had no children. They would know only oppression. (Kuthumi) and Helena P. Blavatsky in the foundation of the Theosophical Society. Ascended Master Saint Germain: Geraldine Innocente ... (AMTF) bases its teachings on the dictations of the Ascended Masters, given through Geraldine Innocente, the Twin Flame of the Ascended Master El Morya, and authorized messenger of the “Bridge to Freedom” Dispensation. Find out more about many Ascended Master spiritual topics: I'm New There is a lessening of disease and lifespans increase. Ascended Master Saint Germain is the Chohan of God's Violet Ray of Freedom, Mercy, and Transmutation. Each lifetime built on Saint Germain’s mastery and preparation for his current role as the hierarch of the Golden-Crystal Age of Aquarius.1. ACTIVATIONS & PRIVATE SESSIONS   * Violet Flame Personal Invocation Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. During Dorothy's 8-year indenture with Saint Germain, he manifested physically for her 3 times, giving her a lot of work to do! To be barren in those days was a source of shame for women and was considered an indication that one was not favored by God. Unfortunately, Saul lived up to God’s warning and there was much suffering in the land. Theosophical mysticism Theosophical organizations Theosophical Societ… At no time has the Saint Germain Foundation ever solicited students or asked for a dime from anyone. Francis Bacon’s works popularized the inductive method of scientific inquiry.   * Violet Flame Bookmark The Great Ascended Masters including Beloved Saint Germain, Beloved Jesus, the Great Divine Director, and Beloved Cyclopea.   VISIT He is the friend of all mankind. Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in Genoa, Italy. The Ascended Master Saint Germain has been called the Master Alchemist. [1] Contained at the Louvre in France. And Samuel accepted this holy work, travelling throughout Israel, urging the various tribes to work together and to cease worshipping idols. Throughout the ages, before there was the Opportunity for the fullness of My Message to be released into the physical, I was able to work behind the scenes with many lifestreams who … As France was in the throes of change, Saint Germain also began another major spiritual thrust on behalf of the Brotherhood of Light for a republic and freedom-the United States of America. These experiments are viewed as the first instances of true experimental science, several hundred years before the official rise of science in the West. However, there is another more peculiar version of the story of Saint-Germaine revealed in historical records. Ascended Master Saint Germain, le Comte de Saint Germain, the Wonderman of Europe, and many other names belong to the fascinating mysterious man chronicled as, "The man who knows everything and never dies". Divine Master Within™ Webinar! Era of Light Note: This is a channeling conversation session between Jahn Kassl and Ascended Master Saint Germain. The focus of this Webinar is Energy Transmissions & ACTIVATIONS from Saint Germain!         $19.95   in our Alchemy Exchange bookstore                                 In the early 1930s, he contacted Guy Click the links to find out more about each of the Seven Lords of the Rays! Please know and remember … Saint Germain is determined to see the Age of Aquarius become a great Golden Age for humanity. Saint Germain is an ascended master, which means that he lived through many embodiments until he passed all of his tests, balanced his karma and was freed from the rounds of rebirth in the ritual of the ascension. In response, Samuel secretly anointed David as the true king of Israel. Learn more about Ascended Master Saint Germain by clicking here. Express your faith and devotion with this handmade necklace, its a very powerful piece and a 0 reviews This series of twenty-eight Discourses by date, precede the Discourses in Volume 3. He was an artisan in stoneworking and an adept in the spiritual arts. Focuses of the Great White Brotherhood are chiefly on the etheric plane where the Ascended Masters preside. His activities were further restricted by a Franciscan statute in 1260 forbidding friars from publishing books or pamphlets without specific approval. Contact The Hearts Center Previous to this role he was the Chohan or Overseer of the 7th Ray of Light of a violet colour, it is his twin flame and female aspect Lady Portia who now governs the 7th Ray of Ligh t and the Violet Flame of Transmutation. Ascended Master Saint Germain Ascended Master Saint Germain Sponsors Spiritual Organizations In the twentieth century, Saint Germain stepped forth once again to sponsor an outer activity of the Great White Brotherhood. Columbus' vision that there was a westward route over the Atlantic Ocean to the Indies, if realized, would allow Spain, in dire need of funds, to enter the profitable spice trade. Click Here for more information and registration.   * Crystal Bowls Joseph, like Mary and Jesus, experienced visitations by angels. And indeed, at the end of the 19th century Saint Germain appeared in order to assist Master M. (El Morya), Master K.H. This call is 4 hours long.   * Magic's Wand The Count of Saint-Germaine claimed many times to be immortal, apparently already three hundred years old by the time of his appearance in the 1700s.   * VIOLET FLAME WEBINAR! Violet Light and Violet Laser Light グレートホワイトブラザーフッド(白色大同胞団)は、神智学やニューエイジに見られる概念で、選ばれた人間を通して霊的な教えを広める偉大な存在とされる [1]。同胞団のメンバーは、神智学の古代の知恵のマスターや またはアセンデッドマスターとして知られる [1]。 Volunteer!   * Elixir of Life   * Vibrational Pendants It consists of the “I AM” Student Body, who studies and applies this Ascended Master Instruction of the “I AM”. 2 No.   * GemEssence As the Count Saint-Germain of the House of Rakoczy, he attempted to prevent the French Revolution and to form a United States of Europe.   * Privacy, Shipping & Return Policies Listen to replays of this amazing series to raise your vibration, ascend your Consciousness, and receive tools to become your own Master! He teaches us how to tend the flame on the altar of our hearts and transmute the metal VIOLET FLAME WEBINAR!!! You will Learn a wide range of methods and techniques to benefit you, your family and the world with this Webinar.CLICK HERE for Info & Registration. He is the Chohan of the 7th ray, the Violet ray. Climates are consistently moderate with the precise precipitation needed to grow delectable fruits, grains, vegetables, lush flora and healing herbs. He is more than an ascended master to me—he is the very spirit of freedom in the heart of America. Learn How to Work with Color and Sound to Heal Yourself and Others • Improve ALL Aspects of Your Life • Raise Your Vibration & Consciousness!Discover YOUR Personal Sound Frequency, Your Soul Color Ray, and so Much More during this Fun-Filled Informative 6 Week Webinar. Louis, MO, 2009 World Freedom Conference—Big Sky, MT, MU 2020-10 Spiritual Side of Classical Music, MU 2020-09 Himalaya's New Blue Lotus Teachings, MU 2020-08 The Joys of Spiritual Motherhood, Volunteer! An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream to reassure him that he should marry Mary although she was many years younger than he.   * Saint Germain Images The countries of Europe had been trading with China and India over land, but with the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453, this route became treacherous. He explains:    by David C. Lewis   * Violet Flame Earth Healing Dictionary of Ascended Master Terms, Saint Germain on Advanced Alchemy Saint Germain is an Ascended Master and is titled the Mahachohan; the governor of the Extension Rays of Light ( Rays 3-7) of the Planetary Level. "Place the Violet Flame through your heart and then let go and know who you are."" He left no stone unturned to capture the attention of those in power—removing flaws from their diamonds, creating verse and writing it with both hands at the same time, entertaining them with his vast musical talent, wit and humor and his ability to speak with expertise on any subject. But his guidance and warnings failed. Knighted in 1603, he was given the title of Baron in 1618 and Viscount in 1621. Hearts Center Store and The Ascended Master* Saint Germain is the Chohan of the Seventh Ray. A Selection of Teachings from the Ascended Master Saint Germain 28.08.2020 20:33 St. Germain 10 years ago I began to channel the teachings of the Ascended Master Saint Germain. When an ASCENDED MASTER does that and the necessary obedience is not given then He has to make up for that and give a balance to Meditation 101, Connect Call our help desk: 630-894-4410 . Co-Create with the Ascended Masters, Read and listen to Saint Germain's 2015 prophecies. Saint Germain via James McConnell regarding Trump situation, January 17th, 2021 Per Staffan January 17, 2021 Troika Saint Germain presents Ascension Consultations, Ascension Flame Energy Transmissions, and Products from Ascended Master Saint Germain to raise one's vibration and frequency "I have been in direct communication with Ascended Master Saint Germain since childhood. It consists of the “I AM” Student Body, who studies and applies this Ascended Master Instruction of the “I AM”. After continually lobbying at the Spanish court for two years, Columbus finally made headway with Queen Isabella of Castille in 1492. 7th RAY COLOR & SOUND VIBRATIONAL WEBINAR!Coming Soon! 8th Ray (integration and mastery of all former 7 Rays) - Chohan Maha Chohan - The Eighth Ray is the integration of the 7 previous Rays and is overseen by Maha Chohan, the representative of the Holy Spirit. Their choice was a man named Saul. For this seemed to me to be the most desirable quality. Media Kit   * TransScents Current teachings from Saint Germain, released through The Hearts Center continue to expound on the themes of freedom and miracles: Sun Yoga and Sun Gazing  God had already told Samuel that the results of the tribes desiring a king would be regretted, for their king would take their lands and goods and lead them into wars. One year when Hannah and Elkanah went to the temple to make sacrifices and pray, Hannah begged God to allow her to have a child. They enjoyed the show, but they dismissed his prophetic words.   VIOLET FLAME  Download Biographers believe that Bacon was educated at home in his early years because of his ill health. In befriending European royalty, he hoped to guide them into positive alliances, creating a United States of Europe. HeartShare Teleclasses, Foundational Teachings His three goals were to discover truth, to serve his country, and to serve his church. After several hundred feet, he shows us through a door on which The Saint Germain Foundation is the parent organization for the “I AM” Religious Activity, with “I AM” Temples and “I AM” Sanctuaries throughout the World. An increasing number of scholars also believe that he was secretly working with a group of some of England’s best poets and writers, creating the plays now credited to William Shakespeare. Francis Bacon was born on January 22, 1561. They are real, living The prophet Eli’s time of transition grew near. We are all expanding our love and support to each being upon the Earth and in fact all aspects of the Earth. "Place the Violet Flame through your heart and then let go and know who you are." I am Saint Germain speaking to you, although I am accompanied by the entire Universe of the Creator. A conflict between Saul and David dominated the remainder of Samuel’s life. The family escaped to Egypt until it was safe to return to their home. As Chohan of the 7th ray, St Germain focuses the Christ Consciousness of the ray. The Seven Chakras, Shop King, Godfre Ray Ascended Master Instruction - Saint Germain Series Volume 4 After Mr. Ballard had been given the experiences as recorded in Volumes 1 & 2, he returned to his home in Chicago where he received these twenty-eight Dictations by the Ascended Master Saint Germain. Ascended Master Wisdom Saint Germain has said about himself: “… I, as the Being known on Earth as Saint Germain, chose to embody the quality of God Freedom. The term "ascended master"" was first introduced in 1934 by Guy Ballard [note :contradicts earlier statement "The term "Ascended Master" was first used by Baird T. Spalding in 1924] in his work titled Unveiled Mysteries, a book which he said was dictated to him by the ascended master St. Germain. He is the friend of all mankind. It is the alchemy of forgiveness. St. Germain is now Director for the new cycle of 2,000 years, the Aquarian Age. Ascended Master St Germain is one of the better known Ascended Masters. Some of  these lifetimes included famous historical figures such as the prophet Samuel, Saint Joseph, Christopher Columbus, Roger Bacon, Francis Bacon, and Count Saint -Germain, who was known as the "Wonderman of Europe." Saint Germain is the hierarch of the Aquarian Age who holds the Flame of Freedom for the Earth. The Lords of Karma allowed him to return to Earth. Ascended Master Saint Germain's Cosmic Name is "Freedom". The Ascended Masters comprise what is known as the “Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth”, also known as the “Great White Brotherhood”, though the latter is a potentially misleading name in that Ascended Masters are not all male, and not all white – in fact Caucasian Masters are in the minority. Lady Portia and St. Germain via Star Hinman, November 2nd, 2020 Per Staffan November 3, 2020   * The Angel Shop Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels, May 30, 2020. Saint Germain is the Chohan of the seventh ray, sponsor of the United States of America, and master alchemist of the sacred fire who comes bearing the gift of the violet flame of freedom for world transmutation. Prayer Request The new Pope issued a mandate ordering Bacon to write to him concerning the place of philosophy within theology. Posted on 30 May 2020 18 July 2020 Author adminuser Categories 2020 , Saint Germain They are helping to guard the evolving human race. He is the Greatest Blessing that has ever come to mankind, because He operates under the Ray which is the Purifying Power to the Earth. 2020 Summer: The Elohim's Blessings Are Now Yours! In addition to what is commonly known about Saint Joseph from New Testament accounts, information in apocryphal writings and more recent revelations fill in some details. Who We Are - What We Do Meditations You may recall that I have spoken of him as the master of the Aquarian age. Roger Bacon also wrote other works on alchemy and astrology. The greatest gift that Saint Germain offers mankind for the Aquarian age is knowledge of the violet fire. AVAILABLE NOW ON REPLAY The Ascended Master Saint Germain sayts:I "s i the most important Understanding mankind can ever have, and there is no Freedom nor Perfection for … Together with his twin flame, the ascended lady master Portia, the Goddess of Justice, he is the hierarch of the Aquarian age. Click Here for more information and registration. St.Germain was also Columbus. Broadcast Replays Photo/Video Gallery, Broadcasts Music and the arts rise to new heights of sublime beauty and perfection. VOL 4 Ascended Master Instruction (Saint Germain Series) - Kindle edition by Beloved Saint Germain. Wisdom Teachings After the birth of Jesus, an angel warned Joseph that Herod sought the life of the newborn. Ascended Master Saint Germain holds classes on alchemy, the violet flame and spiritual transformation at the Cave of Symbols near Table Mountain and at the Royal Teton Retreat. Prayers and Songs The Master Saint Germain was the friend of the suffering peasants, the laboring artisans, as well as the nobility. The Great Ascended Master Saint Germain is one of those Powerful Cosmic Beings from the Great Spiritual Hierarchy of Ascended Masters, who govern this planet. Saint Germain The Ascended Master of the Violet Flame - . A year later she gave birth to Samuel. Saint Germain Pearls of Wisdom, Vol. Read and listen to Saint Germain's 2015 prophecies. Under the reign of James I, Francis Bacon translated the King James version of the Bible. Beloved Saint Germain is the same great Masterful One who worked at the Court of France previous to and during the French Revolution. Greetings with love and truth enfold your being now, as I draw close to connect with you in the truth of the Creator. Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels, May 30, 2020. This dictation was given during a webinar about the liberation of women. Comte de Saint Germain: Rosicrucian, Ascended Master, or Immortal? See more ideas about saint germain, ascended masters, spirituality. At  twelve he entered Trinity College, Cambridge, and lived there for three years with his older brother Anthony. Already made his ascension, Saint Germain with three ships—the Santa María, the saint germain ascended master Flame through heart... Who you are. '' Volume 3 to discover truth, to serve his church his and. Of Samuel ’ s mother Hannah was the Master Alchemist energy of this amazing Series to raise vibration! Liberation of women that you wish from $ 5 up by them to appoint the one who worked at Spanish... Nature spirits, angels and Ascended beings walk and talk with us daily in view! 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