tfl quarterly performance report

buses transport complaints underground feedback. Several members of the Crossrail Board will participate in the new governance arrangements, ensuring a smooth transition and retention of critical knowledge. Trains on the TfL network. Our research will be used to shape the Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) Delivery Plan and our strategy for the charging infrastructure in London. gures are based on data collected from a panel survey of the largest bus operators, and are seasonally adjusted. Transport for London (TfL) Transport For Londons's key London Underground performance measures (since May-11). Design guidance for streets and public spaces. Business at a glance Transport for London quarterly performance report 7 The answer is pretty simple, and we will try to explain it as best as possible in this report: Santander replaced Barclays as the sponsor of the scheme in March 2015. Cycling & walking. There are also links to other reports of interest (station entry/exit figures, Tube upgrade plan and Quarterly Investment Programme reports). 2 Recommendation 2.1 The Panel is asked to note the report. Cyclists,Public,C,Special reports,Cycling. London Buses. TfL-Complaints-Report-2011-12.pdf (237.58 kB) Preview. The key measures of underground performance contained in the Excel spreadsheet are: Total operated kilometres, Total number of lost customer hours (LCH) (all causes), Average excess journey time, and Percentage of scheduled operated. TFL are committed to providing passengers with details of how well the network is working and regularly publish a performance update. Transport for London quarterly performance report. operated by TfL. quarterly performance report Quarter 2 2019/20 (1 April – 14 September 2019) Appendix 3a. 1 Transport for London Operational and Financial Performance Report - First Quarter, 2012/13 . The third quarter TFL Shipments report is now available to members. Transport for London quarterly performance report 3. These are independent reviews, general project updates and papers to the Mayor on Crossrail and the Elizabeth line. Market Research Report Summary. TfL 2016-17 Quarter 4 Performance Report 9 2 London Streets This section of the TfL Performance Report focuses on the performance of the Transport for London road network (TLRN) also known as the Red Routes, which are the major arterial roads operated by TfL. Performance Information London Buses Some routes shown vary from their service route numbers. Data is broken down by Santander Cycle Hire, Congestion Charge, Dial-a-Ride, Docklands Light Railway, London Buses, London Overground, London Underground, Oyster, River Services, and Tramlink. Routes serving New Addington are prefixed with a 'T' for compatibility with Tramlink ticketing. Buses. The key measures of underground performance contained in the Excel spreadsheet are: Total operated kilometres, Total number of lost customer hours (LCH) (all causes), Average excess journey time, and Percentage of scheduled … Businesses,Media,Online developers,Suppliers,P,Contract,Corporate information,Policy, Public,C,I,P,Committee and panel meetings, Planning and construction,Public,C,P,Committee and panel meetings, Boroughs,Businesses,Media,Suppliers,P,Corporate information,Finance,Regular reports, Investors,Public,Q,Corporate information,Finance,Performance,Regular reports, Public,C,R,Committee and panel meetings,Corporate information,Finance, Businesses,Freight industry,Planning and construction,River passengers,R,Deliveries,River, Public,River passengers,R,Contract,Corporate information,River, Coach drivers,Cyclists,Drivers,Freight industry,Motorbikers,R,S,Performance,Research,Safety and security,Special reports,Coaches,Cycling,Deliveries,Driving,Motorcycle,Taxis and minicabs,Walking, Boroughs,Bus operators,Bus passengers,Businesses,Coach drivers,Cyclists,Drivers,Freight industry,Pedestrians,Public,Taxi and private hire,Taxi passengers,R,Customer Research Library,Special reports,Buses,Coaches,Cycling,Deliveries,Driving,Motorcycle,Taxis and minicabs,Trams,Walking, Boroughs,Businesses,Coach drivers,Cyclists,Drivers,Freight industry,Motorbikers,Pedestrians,Planning and construction,Taxi passengers,R,Policy,Roads,Special reports,Streetscape,Coaches,Cycling,Deliveries,Driving,Motorcycle,Taxis and minicabs,Walking, Boroughs,Businesses,Public,S,Customer Research Library,Regular reports,Safety and security,Special reports, Public,H,S,Environment,Regular reports,Safety and security, Planning and construction,Public,A,C,S,Committee and panel meetings,Environment,Policy,Safety and security, Media,Public,S,Corporate information,Transparency data, Bus passengers,DLR passengers,London Overground passengers,Public,Tube passengers,R,Finance, Engineers,Planning and construction,Suppliers,S,Roads,Safety and security,Driving, Businesses,Planning and construction,Suppliers,S,Contract,Expenditure,Buses,Coaches,Cycling,Deliveries,Driving,Motorcycle,Taxis and minicabs, ,Boroughs,Planning and construction,S,Environment,Research, Boroughs,Freight industry,Taxi and private hire,Taxi passengers,S,Special reports,Buses,Coaches,Cycling,Deliveries,Driving,Motorcycle,Taxis and minicabs,Walking, Boroughs,Drivers,Freight industry,S,Performance,Deliveries,Driving, ,Boroughs,Businesses,Designers,Engineers,Freight industry,Planning and construction,S,Accessible travel,Corporate information,Cycle Superhighways,Environment,Roads,Safety and security,Streetscape,Buses,Coaches,Cycling,Driving,Taxis and minicabs,Walking, Planning and construction,S,London Overground, Public,Taxi and private hire,P,T,Corporate information,Taxis and minicabs, Boroughs,Pedestrians,Planning and construction,Public,G,T,Lambeth,Westminster,Contract,Corporate information,Expenditure,River,Walking, Bus passengers,DLR passengers,Public,Rail passengers,Tram passengers,Tube passengers,T,Performance,Ticketing,Buses,London Overground,Trams,Tube, Boroughs,Bus operators,Bus passengers,Businesses,Cyclists,DLR passengers,London Overground passengers,Planning and construction,Public,Rail passengers,Tube passengers,T, Public,A,T,Accessible travel,Customer Research Library,Special reports,Assisted travel,Buses,DLR,Emirates Air Line,London Overground,River,Taxis and minicabs,Trams,Tube, Boroughs,Businesses,Public,T,Customer Research Library,Special reports, Boroughs,Bus operators,Bus passengers,Businesses,Coach drivers,Cyclists,Dial a Ride passengers,DLR passengers,Drivers,Emirates Air Line passengers,London Overground passengers,Motorbikers,Pedestrians,Public,River passengers,Taxi passengers,Tram passengers,Tube passengers,Visitors,T,Regular reports,Assisted travel,Buses,Coaches,Cycling,DLR,Driving,Emirates Air Line,London Overground,Motorcycle,Rail,Taxis and minicabs,Walking, Media,Public,G,T,Corporate information,Policy,Special reports, Boroughs,Businesses,Drivers,Freight industry,Planning and construction,Taxi and private hire,E,U,Environment,Research,Deliveries,Driving,Taxis and minicabs, Bus operators,Drivers,Freight industry,U,Environment,Low Emission Zone,Roads,Deliveries,Driving, Public,S,U,Corporate information,Safety and security,Tube, Plan a journey and favourite it for quick access in the future, Choose postcodes, stations and places for quick journey planning, London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority. The Safety, Accessibility and Sustainability panel was superseded by the Safety, Sustainability and Human Resources panel in 2016. Transport for London (TfL) Transport For Londons's key London Underground performance measures (since May-11). The aim of the report is to provide information about the performance of TfL‟s transport network from the perspective of users. ASX Announcements and Latest News from TASFOODS LIMITED. Boroughs,Businesses,Elizabeth line,Investors,Media,Public,E,Committee and panel meetings,Crossrail,Policy,Regular reports,,TfL Rail . This is the fourth quarterly performance report of the year and covers the period to 31 March 2019. This report summarises the performance of all the Transport for London (TfL) modes of transport for the first quarter of the 2015-16 financial year (April to June 2015). They show all movements on the Tube network including empty trains and those coming in and out of depots, Includes our Commercial Strategy - the principles behind our commercial activities, A summary of our improvements to London's transport network during the previous year, Our commitments and reviews of our safety, health and environmental performance, How we will implement the Mayor's Transport Strategy and provide the best value for London, Investors,Media,Public,A,Corporate information,Finance,Performance,Regular reports,Research, Suppliers,A,Policy,Assisted travel,Aviation,Buses,Coaches,Cycling,Deliveries,DLR,Driving,Emirates Air Line,London Overground,Motorcycle,Rail,River,Taxis and minicabs,Trams,Tube,Walking, A,C,Committee and panel meetings,Corporate information,Finance,Regular reports,Transparency data, Tube passengers,B,City of London,Tube improvement,Tube, B,C,Committee and panel meetings,Corporate information,Performance,Policy,Regular reports, Bus operators,Bus passengers,Public,B,Streetscape,Buses, Bus operators,Bus passengers,Public,B,Performance,Safety and security,Buses, Bus operators,Bus passengers,B,Regular reports,Buses, Bus operators,Bus passengers,B,Performance,Buses, Boroughs,Bus operators,Bus passengers,Public,B,Performance,Buses, Bus operators,Bus passengers,B,S,Safety and security,Streetscape,Buses, Media,C,Corporate information,Finance,Regular reports, Businesses,Investors,Planning and construction,C,Tube, Businesses,Designers,Media,Suppliers,C,Corporate information,Performance,Policy, C,Committee and panel meetings,Corporate information,Performance,Regular reports, Coach drivers,Drivers,Freight industry,Taxi and private hire,Taxi passengers,C,Congestion Charge,Consultation,Performance,Research,Deliveries,Driving,Taxis and minicabs, Boroughs,Drivers,Investors,A,C,V,Roads,Driving, Bus operators,Bus passengers,DLR passengers,London Overground passengers,Media,Tram passengers,Tube passengers,C,Research,Ticketing,Buses,DLR,London Overground,Trams,Tube, Boroughs,Businesses,Suppliers,C,Contract,Corporate information, Boroughs,Businesses,Elizabeth line,Planning and construction,Suppliers,TfL Rail,C,Contract,Crossrail,Rail, Businesses,Media,Public,Suppliers,C,Contract,Corporate information,Regular reports,Transparency data, Businesses,Media,Suppliers,C,Contract,Corporate information,Finance, Public,C,Accessible travel,Education,Factsheet,Policy,Regular reports,Research,Safety and security,Transparency data ,Bus ,Cycling ,Refund,Walking, Boroughs,Businesses,Public,C,Performance,Regular reports,Safety and security, Elizabeth line,Public,TfL Rail,C,Committee and panel meetings,Crossrail,Rail, Businesses,Elizabeth line,Engineers,Investors,Suppliers,TfL Rail,C,Contract,Corporate information,Crossrail,Rail improvements,Rail, Elizabeth line,Public,TfL Rail,C,Crossrail,Regular reports,Rail,TfL Rail, DLR passengers,London Overground passengers,Public,Tube passengers,C,R,S,Committee and panel meetings,DLR,London Overground,Rail,Tube, Boroughs,Businesses,Public,C,Accessible travel,Customer Research Library,Research,Safety and security,Special reports, Cyclists,Public,C,Special reports,Cycling, Boroughs,Businesses,Cyclists,Pedestrians,Public,C,W,Customer Research Library,Special reports,Cycling,Walking, D,I,Accessible travel,Regular reports,Special reports,Assisted travel, Boroughs,Cyclists,Planning and construction,Public,D,Policy,Cycling, Businesses,Cyclists,Pedestrians,Public,E,W,Environment,Cycling,Walking, Boroughs,Businesses,Elizabeth line,Investors,Media,Public,E,Committee and panel meetings,Crossrail,Policy,Regular reports,,TfL Rail, Emirates Air Line passengers,Public,Visitors,E,Performance,Emirates Air Line, Public,Schools and young people,E,Customer Research Library,Environment,Low Emission Zone,Research,Special reports, Planning and construction,Public,C,E,Committee and panel meetings,Environment, E,Environment,Regular reports,Special reports, E,Corporate information,Finance,Regular reports,Transparency data, Boroughs,Businesses,Public,F,T,Customer Research Library,Special reports,Ticketing,Buses,DLR,Emirates Air Line,London Overground,River,Trams,Tube, Public,C,F,Committee and panel meetings,Finance,Policy,Regular reports, Businesses,Drivers,Freight industry,Planning and construction,F,Freight,Low Emission Zone,Research,Deliveries,Driving, Planning and construction,Rail passengers,H,Consultation,Rail, Public,I,Finance,Independent Review,Special reports, Boroughs,Businesses,Media,Suppliers,I,Contract,Corporate information,Regular reports, Passengers with accessibility needs,Public,Rail passengers,Tube passengers,Visitors,A,L,Accessible travel,Tube improvement,Assisted travel,Rail,Tube, Coach drivers,Drivers,Freight industry,L,R,Congestion Charge,Contract,Corporate information,Environment,Low Emission Zone,Coaches,Driving,Motorcycle,Taxis and minicabs, Drivers,Freight industry,L,Low Emission Zone,Performance,Deliveries,Driving, DLR passengers,Emirates Air Line passengers,London Overground passengers,Pedestrians,Public,Rail passengers,Tube passengers,M,Maps,DLR,Emirates Air Line,London Overground,Rail,Tube,DLR ,Map,TfL Rail ,Tube ,Tube Map, Engineers,Planning and construction,Tube passengers,N,Tube improvement,Tube, Businesses,Engineers,Investors,Planning and construction,Suppliers,N,Contract,Expenditure,Tube, Media,Public,O,Corporate information,Transparency data, DLR passengers,London Overground passengers,Tube passengers,O,DLR,London Overground,Rail,Tube, Bus passengers,DLR passengers,Emirates Air Line passengers,London Overground passengers,Media,Tram passengers,Tube passengers,O,Regular reports,Ticketing,Buses,DLR,Emirates Air Line,London Overground,Trams,Tube. TfL 2013/14 Quarter 2 Performance Report 10 Graph 3 - Duration of TLRN serious & severe unplanned and planned events (hrs) by quarter, Q1 2010/11 to Q2 2013/14 The average traffic speed on London’s major roads in quarter 2 during weekdays decreased compared with the same quarter last year. These reports list all expenditure of more than £250 for TfL and more than £500 for Crossrail, These reports focus on a range of aspects related to fares and ticketing, Archive plans for the redevelopment of 55 Broadway. Streets. Transport for London quarterly performance report 4. Business at a glance. This market research report provides information about Company Reports (Energy & Utilities), Energy & Utilities industry. Industry Performance Reports. Future quarterly reports will be published as part of TfL's Operational and Financial Performance Report. Cycling . TfL-operated Rail and Underground routes. It is calling for a new funding deal which will see TfL get a proposed £1.6bn ($21.5bn) a … 91 Magazines from TFL.GOV.UK found on - Read for FREE Cycle hire performance. Future quarterly reports will be published as part of TfL's Operational and Financial Performance Report. These reports focus on a range of cycling and walking-related issues. An example of this would be route 64, which is shown as route 'T64' and the night route as 'TN64'. The aim of the report is to provide information about the performance of TfL‟s Opinion Research and General Statistics (GLA). With its recently announced 'world leading' Bus Safety Programme, I am looking forward to much-improved Safety Performance Reporting from TfL's Surface Transport team. These quarterly reports are to update the Committee on any significant matters from the previous quarter. Agendas and papers from the Elizabeth line committee, The Elizabeth line Rule Book is for train operators running services on the Crossrail Central Operating Section, Passenger journey numbers for the Emirates Air Line, These reports focus on a variety of subjects around our efforts to go green, Agendas and minutes from all Environment, corporate & planning panel meetings up to the time it was dissolved in 2012, Updates on our activities to make London's transport network greener, We believe in being open about our costs. Transport for London quarterly performance report 3. Over the past two years, major automakers selling vehicles in the U.S. have moved to quarterly sales reporting. Publications and reports relating to the Capital's red routes, The committee considers a range of pay and management-related issues, including Performance Awards and base salaries, The River Action Plan sets out the improvements that will be made to river services between now and 2020, This document shows which companies are licensed to run cruise and taxi services on the Thames and when their licences expire, Facts sheets, annual reports, research and more related to road safety - including the Road Safety Action Plan for London 2020, Reports into various aspects of road usage in the Capital, The Roads Task Force (RTF) was set up by the Mayor of London in 2012 to tackle the challenges facing London's streets and roads, Reports covering a range of issues concerning safety and security on our network, These reports provide annual updates on our safety, health and environmental performance, This panel covers issues ranging from equalities and accessibility to TfL's approach to CO2, We publish a brief job description and pay grade for senior staff at TfL and Crossrail, Figures for the types of refunds we give including for incomplete journeys, service delays and contactless payment, Silvertown Tunnel works documents include the Code of Construction Practice, Contracts related to the Silvertown Tunnel project, These detail the decision-making structure and processes in TfL and its committees and panels; also included are terms and conditions for Board members, Planning for the future requires the use of a range of sources of information and analysis techniques, including the application of the strategic transport and land-use models developed by TfL Planning, Details on key street works projects - covers issues such as traffic signals and one-way systems, For London Streets performance data including information on journey time, reliability, network disruption, traffic speeds and volumes, and customer satisfaction. TFL Annual Shipments Report . Underground. Crossrail contract for operating services, Our commercial and sponsorship agreements, A list of contracts for services to TfL ranging from data storage to specialist cleaning of escalators, Contracts published because of Freedom of Information requests, Publications and reports related to coronavirus, Crime and incident statistics includes information on antisocial behaviour on our networks, These documents show how potential train service operators might apply for access to the Crossrail Central Operation Section. PDF 363KB Santander cycles transparency to end of December 2017. TfL-Complaints-Report-2011-12.pdf (237.58 kB) Preview. Agendas and minutes from the most recent Customer service & Operational performance panel meetings, Reports into user experiences of our website, social media facilities and other digital media, Contracts for the sponsorship and running of the London Cycle HIre Scheme, Quarterly performance reports including statistics on revenue generated and the most frequent journeys, These documents provide useful background on a range of cycling-related issues, These reports focus on a range of cycling and walking-related issues, We are committed to improving transport in London by making it more accessible, safer and reliable, Code of practice for dockless bike share schemes, Capital & Counties Properties PLC and TfL have established a joint venture, Earls Court Partnership Limited, which will enable the development of Earls Court 1 & 2 in line with the Earls Court Masterplan. Currently operating as TfL Rail. Quarterly performance report Q4. TfL’s quarterly finance, investment and operational performance reports Quarter 4, 2015/16 Quarter 2 2019/20 (1 April – 14 September 2019) Appendix 3a. Quarterly passenger journey . The report sets out main areas of customer complaints and steps being taken to address them. TfL-operated highways. Now, the big question is, if we had 2,000 individual sign ups with a pledge of more than $7 million, why did we manage to sell only 561,246 DYP tokens worth $1,240,662.17? quarterly performance report. Quarter 4 2016/17. You must be logged in to request access to this dataset. Transport for London quarterly performance report. The aim of the report is to provide, in one place, information about the performance of TfL’s transport network from the … Cycle hire performance We publish information on the performance of our cycle hire scheme, including statistics such as revenue generated and the most frequent journeys. TfL 2015-16 Quarter 1 Performance Report (April - June 2015) October 2015 PC071 Policy committee 20.10.15 . Overall, we continue to make good progress against our long-term objective of turning an operating deficit into a spread of coronavirus. More information about this data can be found in this TFL press release. These documents provide useful background on a range of cycling-related issues. Cycling & walking. London Underground Performance Reports. Jacobs (NYSE:J) has secured 13 positions on Transport for London's (TfL) renewed Transport Planning & Impact Monitoring (including Health & Safety and Environmental) Services Framework. Transport for London quarterly performance report. , we continue to make good progress against our long-term objective of an. Are performing, etc 970KB Santander cycles transparency to end of December 2017, and... For London quarterly performance report of the year and covers the period from 1 April 14! Largest bus operators, and are seasonally adjusted reports on wood-based Composite panels produced in North America forum for! Cycling-Related issues most definitive industry performance reports including statistics on revenue generated and the most definitive industry performance,... Quarterly performance reports to the Ultra Low Emission Zone in March 2015 's operational and financial performance of! & reports ; Safety, Sustainability & HR panel ; Previous panels, financial and! Association compiles and publishes the most frequent journeys out TfL 's response on the experience of passengers of 2017/18... Performance measures ( since May-11 ) report focuses on the delivery and performance. On 5 December 2008 to providing passengers with details of future contract opportunities for TfL Corporate, TfL supported... Cycling Design Standards and Kerbside Loading Guidance are prefixed with a 'T ' for compatibility with Tramlink.... 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